

Welcome to FORMM’s Specialised Rehabilitation Service!

Our mission?

  • To unlock your freedom of movement and/or alleviate pain through a personalised program.

How We Do It:

  • Collaboration: Working closely with you, your physiotherapist and/or doctor.

  • Efficiency: Your time matters. Streamlining your journey, making every session count. No wasted effort—just results.

  • Effectiveness: Evidence-based practices guide us. I’m all about what works. Expect progress, not guesswork.

  • Enjoyment: Rehab doesn’t have to be dull. We infuse it with positivity, tailored exercises, and maybe even a smile or two.

  • Tailored Approach: You’re unique, and so is your rehab plan. We adapt, adjust, and fine-tune until it fits like a custom-made glove.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, surgery, or simply aiming for optimal well-being, I’ve got your back (and knees, and hips!).

Book your Free Consultation here

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